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GCHQ today 在市中心展出了一幅巨大的受LGBT+启发的艾伦·图灵作品 总部庆祝他的遗产,并成为第一个出现的同性恋者 on a UK banknote.   


Turing is the 现代计算之父,人工智能的先驱, 和 在布莱切利帮助 破解 德国海军 Enigma 密码 Park – GCHQ’s wartime home – during the Second World War.   


今天是骄傲月,本来是他的第109个生日th birthday, 他成为首位出现在英国钞票上的LGBT+群体成员.      


Director GCHQ Jeremy Fleming said:  

“Alan 图灵是一位天才,他帮助缩短了战争,并影响了 technology that still shapes our lives today. He was embraced for his brilliance but persecuted for being gay.   


“Turing’s 遗产每天都在提醒 我们 ,多样性是必不可少的,包容是必不可少的 mission critical to our organisation. His appearance on the £50 note is an important moment in ours and this country’s history. Turing was and remains a beacon of hope for all who dare to live and think differently.”   

The 10m x 1000万件艺术品,由专业3D艺术家乔·希尔(Joe Hill)咨询后创作 与GCHQ“骄傲”网络的工作人员在一起,上面有一个标志性的形象 Turing inside wheels from the British Bombe, 机器 由图灵设计 用于破解谜机密码 第二次世界大战期间的信息 , 提供了重要的情报 the Allies and saving millions of lives. The artwork, which also 功能 15 隐藏代码,稍后将捐赠给一个号码 of organisations chosen by GCHQ’s Pride network.    


Skylar, Head of GCHQ’s Pride Network said: 

“Alan 图灵是GCHQ许多人的榜样,也是全球的偶像 LGBT+ person in the field of science and technology. Though we should never forget the tragedy of his life being 简而言之,我们应该永远努力学习他的遗产和 create a safer and better future for LGBT+ people.  


I am proud 看到GCHQ认识到艾伦·图灵对LGBT+人群的重要性, 拥有与我们社区共同的历史,并在这样一个 public and bold way.”  


Turing joined the Government Code & Cypher School – GCHQ’s wartime name - 在 1939 帮助 第二 世界期间的密码破译工作 War, working alongside Dilly Knox and later Gordon Welchman. Turing 是 布莱切利 公园的顶尖密码分析师,也是 effort in Hut 8 focusing on the German Naval Enigma. Here he worked 与图灵共事的密码分析师琼·克拉克密切合作 to break the Enigma cyphers. She was also Turing’s lifelong friend and for a short while his fiancé.    


In January 1940年,图灵在巴黎会见了波兰同行 , 他们给了他 insights he needed to design the Bombe. The Bombe was the first special-purpose British cryptanalytic machine 并为破解谜机做出了重大贡献. Like the artwork, its ‘drum’ wheels were also colour coded. The combination of 炸弹机和那些在那里工作的人的聪明才智和毅力 Bletchley Park led to the breaking of Enigma.   


In late 1942 图灵 进行了一次联络旅行 到 美国 他在那里工作 研究安全语音系统并帮助开发 what would become the US cipher machine SIGABA. 1943年回到英国后,他发明了一种便携式 安全的语音扰码器(代号黛丽拉) 在秘密的英国政府 laboratory at Hanslope Park. His skills at finding and exploiting 其他人系统中的弱点使他处于最佳位置 to design new secure systems.   


After the War   


In 1945, 图灵 离开了GCHQ ,在伦敦的国家物理实验室工作. 在那里,他研究了ACE(自动计算引擎) the first detailed design of a stored-program computer.   


In 1948, 图灵十大正规博彩网站评级了全球最大的博彩平台大学数学系. A 一年后,他成为计算机部的副主任 Laboratory. Working with Max Newman, he led 这个团队制作了英国第一个通用存储程序 (全球最大的博彩平台马克1号),然后是第一台商用计算机 (the Ferranti Mark 1). In 1950, Turing turned his attention to artificial intelligence and proposed an experiment 试图为要调用的机器定义一个标准 “intelligent”, this became known as the Turing Test.   


In January 1952年,图灵因猥亵他人而被起诉 another man in Manchester. During the trial, Hugh Alexander, the Head of Cryptanalysis at GCHQ, was given 官方批准他作为品行证人去图灵那里作证 他在法庭上说他是国家财产. In March 1952, 图灵对指控表示认罪,并被要求做出选择 imprisonment and probation; he chose probation which 是否有条件让他接受激素治疗 reduce his libido.   


On the 8th June 1954, Alan Turing took his own life.   


In a speech for the 100-year anniversary of Alan Turing’s birth in 2012, GCHQ’s then Director Iain Lobban said:   


“We can't rewrite the past. We can't wish mid-twentieth century Britain into a different society with different attitudes. We can be glad that we live in a more tolerant age. And we should 记住,对图灵不宽容的代价是他的损失 to the nation.”   


In a speech at the 2016 Stonewall Workplace Conference then 导演罗伯特·汉尼根也称赞图灵 是一位“天才” 一个不怕以不同的方式思考的问题解决者 and radically”. 他还为历史性的处理方式道歉 LGBT+社区的安全服务,有 一个安全栏到LGBT+ 直到1991年情报机构的个人.    


Today GCHQ 有一个蓬勃发展的骄傲网络,帮助确保该机构有一个 inclusive workplace culture for its LGBT+ community. In the past GCHQ has been recognised by Stonewall and 粉红新闻为其在这个领域的工作,最近推出了一个 新的跨性别政策,旨在确保我们的跨性别包容性组织 尊重和尊重所有个人的性别认同和表达 respect.  

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